Contract for Membership UnBreakable Business™
A member of UnBreakable Enterprises, LLC
This agreement is between UnBreakable Business™, a member of UnBreakable Enterprises, L.L.C., and ________________________________of___________________________, effective __/__/20__.
This Agreement covers the following terms as described below.
1. Membership Term: The membership term begins on __/__/____ and continues until terminated by either party.
2. Membership Type: UnBreakable Business All Access
3. Membership Benefits: The Member, __________________________________ shall have access to networking events, Mastermind Collaborative Courses, MasterClass Trainings as provided by Content Creators, promotional opportunities, member referral compensation plan as outlined, and other benefits as determined by UnBreakable Business™.
4. Member acknowledgments: Members acknowledge that information provided by Content Creators is not monitored or regulated by UnBreakable Business™ to verify accuracy, legitimacy, or compliance with state or federal laws. Members understand that the information Content Creators provides is for educational purposes only and may require extra research or due diligence before implementation. Members agree that UnBreakable Business™ or UnBreakable Enterprises, LLC will not be liable for incomplete information, errors, or omissions. All members indemnify and hold harmless UnBreakable Business™, UnBreakable Enterprises, LLC, its leaders, affiliates and partners for any damages based on information provided by Content Creators.
5. Membership Fees- All Access members shall pay $59.99 per month or $615.00 if paid in full for 12 months, plus a one-time application fee of $150.00 for access to all benefits of UnBreakable Business. The monthly payment will be debited by either bank draft or debit card on the month’s 1st or 15th (select one). ____________ date
6. Content Contribution: The Member (if providing content for the masterclass programs) agrees to provide original content to the UnBreakable Business™ for member educational purposes. The content shall remain the property of the Member, and UnBreakable Business™ shall have the right to showcase it to the UnBreakable Business™ audience. The member certifies that the content meets all applicable state and federal laws. The Content Creator agrees to provide accurate information. Suppose information provides any accounting, legal, or other matters regulated by license, local, state, or federal laws. In that case, the content creator maintains all liability for any errors or harm that could result from negligence or ill intent.
7. Content provided by the Creator shall meet the following expectations:
- Content is relevant and helpful to members.
- The training provided must match the topic agreed upon.
- Members must be able to solve the stated problem with the content provided without the requirement to join an additional program.
- The Content Creator understands that while they may provide a call to action for follow-up services, the training content should be able to solve the issue alone.
- Content Creators may provide documents, resources, etc, to aid the members.
- Creator Creator may provide exact content tailored to the 3 phases of business (startup, growth, and succession) for maximum exposure.
- Content Creator shall not recruit members out of UnBreakable Business™ but rather use this platform to deepen the UnBreakable Business™ experience to fellow members.
- Content Creators will follow the Content Onboarding outline as provided by UnBreakable Business™.
8. Client Referrals: UnBreakable Business™ agrees to promote the Member’s services to its audience to generate client referrals for the Member.
9. Compensation provided by UnBreakable Business™ as a result of affiliate referrals or part of a referral compensation plan is treated as income; UnBreakable Business™ will provide an IRS form 1099 will be provided for tax reporting purposes. All Content Creators shall complete an IRS Form W-9 with this agreement.
10. Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement with a 30-day written notice.
11. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep confidential information shared during the membership term confidential.
12. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by Texas/ United States laws.
In witness of this, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.
UnBreakable Business™ Representative | |
[Member Name] | |
[Member Signature] |